I'm late, I know and I don't want bring up the beginning posts, but this single quote got my attention.

Originally Posted By: kmega99
mad I've been practicing Lite-C for over a year now. mad

I don't know why so many people believe its hard to learn a programming language and I don't know why it took you a year. You should be able to pick up C in a week, learn the syntax and all the concepts like pointer, structs and so on. But, and now we come the part that isn't learnable in a year, its hard to master a language in a way that allows you to write fast and pretty code.
You don't want to solve problems by taking a tank and shooting at them until they disappear (yes, this is a metaphor), but you want to solve the problem as smart and effortless as possible (thats not a metaphor). And no matter how long you practice a language, you should be able to learn something new about it every week or month! Be it a new programming idiom or a totally new concept and approach to solve a problem.
For example, I found this very excellent SO question recently ( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/500607/what-are-the-lesser-known-but-cool-data-structures? ) and its full of extremely awesome stuff I have never heard of!

From you posts, dear OP, I can't see that you are already at this stage in learning a language but still at the "woah, I found out what a pointer is, now I can write the whole world in less than two days!" (this was an exaggeration). And no, this doesn't mean that you have to write posts full of buzzwords like "Yeah, I'm using agile development and plan to refactor my code twice a day, I check in every change and maintain five VCS branches to test my code. For every committed function I write at least five unit tests and I run all unit tests when the nightly build compiles." (this wasn't an exaggeration)

There are so many things in game development that its impossible to cover them all in a single post but you want to face them in just two months! Don't get me wrong, its great that you have ambitious ideas and that you are really trying to commit yourself into your project, but please don't fool yourself into thinking that you are better than the rest of the world! I know its easy to think things like "hey, this looks easy, I just have to write X and this solves my problem. It can't be that hard to make a complete game", but try to think what comes with this. Try to think of every single detail that you have to do, not just the big shiny picture that looks like its so easy to draw. (Yes, this was another metaphor)

Shitlord by trade and passion. Graphics programmer at Laminar Research.
I write blog posts at feresignum.com