Originally Posted By: PadMalcom
Eigentlich eher um was zu lernen und coole Projekte zu sehen als so nichtssagende Threads zu sehen -.-
Hmmm. I'm afraid you're incorrect.

Actually, I don't know what you said, but this thread has been in English thus far, so I'm going to assume it's incorrect.

Unless, of course, you're saying something along the lines of "Oh how I wish I could join this wonderful conversation, but alas I can only speak German. Good day to you all". In that case, good day to you, too laugh

EDIT: Forgive my abruptness, please, but I want to nip this in the bud. It's not nice if people begin to respond in a language that's not understood by all participants and a conversation develops that excludes those of us who are linguistically challenged, even though we were able to participate up until now.

Last edited by JibbSmart; 11/09/11 16:39.

Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!