Hello and greetings from a new forum member.
I am new to gamestudio and lite-c.
I have read and played with the tutorial workshops and modified one to start building my own game
It appears I will need more "skills" for my player entities than what is available.
After searching the help file I found "atypes.h" and modified the line that reads "skill[100];" to "skill[200];"
That didn't cause any errors so I wrote a few defines in my game file:
#define LIFE skill[101]
#define STRENGTH skill[102]
#define AGILITY skill[103]
#define MIND skill[104]
#define SPIRIT skill[105]

#define HEALTH skill[106]
#define MAXHEALTH skill[107]
#define HEALING skill[108]
#define WOUNDS skill[109]

#define STAMINA skill[110]
#define MAXSTAMINA skill[111]
#define STAMREGEN skill[112]

#define MANA skill[113]
#define MAXMANA skill[114]
#define MANAREGEN skill[115]

That didn't cause any errors so I used one in my entity action :
var ph;
action updatecharacter() // this is called when the entity is created
	// initialize stuff
	my.HEALTH = 100;

	while (1) // action loop
		ph = my.HEALTH
		// all the character movement and action handling in here

that didn't cause any errors either but when I display the info in a panel it shows the value is zero (0) when it should be 100
PANEL* panDisplay =
	digits(5, 20, "health = %0.f", *, 1, ph);
	flags = SHOW;

What am I missing here?
Can I simply not use skills over 100?
please note these code snippets are not my exact code but abbreviated form