
Today Felix Queisser and I want to open up a project thread for our GUI system that we are developing for

Most of you will have already seen that project, but we wanted to open up a thread to get critics and comments.

LiteGUI is a new way - a revolution - of 3DGamestudios GUI system. It not only replaces the existing elements
with more powerful solutions, it also gives you way more elements and an editor! You will never again complain
about the problems you had with Gamestudios GUI system because you will never get any unexpected
results - well, maybe you will be surprised of the awesomeness of LiteGUI.

(Quoted from the LiteGUI introduction pdf)


(click on image for full size)

This are the elements we planned so far, of course we will do our best to add element you need!

We are not only supporting standard 2D Element, we are also having RTT features with complete
working mouse and text input for every element on every texture.

But wait, sometimes you don't want a 3D surface for a slightly angle-modified panel - we
got a solution for that - 3D image manipulation (fast -> via shaders).

Keeping it simple
We want to make it as easy for you as we can. That is the reason why we are going to support many different
formats, keep our prototypes clear and create an editor for you.

(click on image for full size)

Naming - we keep it simple.

Things you want to know
  • LiteGUI.dll - written in C++/VS2010
  • Additional libraries on target system - No
  • Used libraries - ZLib
  • Windows only [Gamestudio/key hook/DirectX)
  • It will cost ~15$

Full support with all render to texture, image manipulation and some limitations on text selection
(our fast approach is done by shaders) is given in A8 commercial and pro. We are going to make a
limited version (no shaderes/slower approaches) for A7 and A8 extra/free users if there is a demand.

Staying up-to-date
If you want to stay up-to-date with this project, you can follow my blog or you look directly on
the 'offical' liteGUI website.

Thank you and best regards,
Marian Frische and Felix Queissner