Loll Of course you can select areas on the player with alpha map . ehhe

For example this guys has the "venil" on the shirt that is reflected .. just 10% i guess.. so the mark looks kinda wet when playing


I just Have these problems.. i guess that one of the features that Conitec could do .. it Generation of a camera wih the 6 slots in real time already ( I had to do this by my own .. what took a bit of ..hehe) .. And then implement this on a cube shader envirnom..

and this problem goes for matt i guess ... That script did not work or IM doin gthis wrong..

Whats the command to take a screen shot?? with a determined sizE! each frame or 2 seconds I just need that...

and then .. the shader could acess the shot taken and use it ( Notice: I od't know if this is possible, but I want to take a shot that will overwrite and not create a variable one like shot1 shot 2 ....

So far thats my problems.. And i must say .. The effect is amazing, it look very realistic .. I guess thats how most engines works ( to use medium card)