uh ? ok we all know alpha_strike and why he thinks the dialog for bulletstorm is ahm.. 'good' which i strongly disagree with, i never played crysis1 because it looked and still looks... BORING, i'll only ever play that if i want to look at pretty stuff

i cant say i agree with most of the comments in this thread:

graphics: phenomenal, it still destroys almost everything on the market, even if it doesnt look as good as cry1, that doesnt say it looks bad because cry1 looked damn good and for me to spend minutes staring at models, water and leaves, they must be doing something right, also the cinematic scenes are epic, bridge breaking, entire park rising ..
- graphics i give it [ 9/10 ]

story: bleh, i understand the concept, suit as cure, blah blah, its not a bad story, but they couldve told it better, certain plot twists were rather good but you really only felt like you were playing through each level because you had to, story dialog was pretty average and not impressive but combat dialog was pretty good
- story [ 6/10 ]

gameplay: ahmm so the levels arent as open as cry1 but am sure they took this into account and you still have alot of freedom, just that i assume most ppl will do the same things all the time, i played the game in so many different ways, one mission i played and tried to not get the guards alerted at all, guards fire flares when theyre alerted and that causes reinforcements to spawn, which makes sense if youre being some loud rambo, you can actually see the enemies that fire the reinforcement flares and try to kill them before they do, alphaStrike said he actually saw when the new enemies were created but i never saw that so ahm, cant comment, for me, it was seamless, vehicle sections were however quite useless
- gameplay [ 8.5/10 ]

GUNplay: most of the guns feel pretty solid, hit sounds were good, headshots were crunchy, you have to understand that not all developers want their assault rifles sounding like AKs, it cant sound too powerful if they want you to know that its only moderately powerful, so i liked the sounds of weapons
- gunplay [ 8.5/10 ]

overall i give the game a 9/10 and i'm a big critic myself and generally judge games bad, this is the PC version ofcourse but i remember seeing it on a 40+ inch tv with HD and it looked amazing, only competitor i would say would be the unreleased battlefield 3

i fail to understand some of you guys comments but opinions are meant to be had i guess

ps. i still wont play crysis 1 =P

pss. the AI has its weak moments but other than that they have some of the best AI traits ive ever seen in a game, obviously there will always be a few flaws, they have their dumb moments but when it works, its great

psss. ahmm, i think alot of people loved the halo1 alien anims wink but i guess alot of people may just be "little girls which are very like to wear pink cloths" grin

Last edited by darkinferno; 06/23/11 04:13.