You're all being a little harsh. It's not my type of game, and I've played better games, but it is pretty nice in some aspects.

Of course, the graphics are what they focused on, but there was some nice things I've seen. For example, jumping, grabbing ledges and pulling yourself up is pretty fun, because it works so well and the jump is - if you have enough energy in your suit left - very powerful and fun.
The coolest part that I saw was when someone runs around a corner. The way the model leans into the curve and the way it's animated looks really cool. The animations are top.
You also get a nice replay of every kill which I think is well done. The graphics are good, with lower specs, I think they did a good job on that as well.

Of course every shooter where you play an american super-solider sucks in its story line. But then again you don't play those shooters for the story, do you?

I played a few rounds, but I had more fun checking out the level and lightning and running around (there is more than armor and cloaking, but there's only hot keys for these two, as far as I know) and checking out nice animations than actually shooting people.

~"I never let school interfere with my education"~
-Mark Twain