So i decided to simplify and make sure game_save is working:

// test.c

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>
#include "headers.h"

FONT* standard_font = "ackfont.pcx";

PANEL* info_panel =
{   pos_x = 20;
    pos_y = 20;
    flags = SHOW;
    digits = 0,0,3.0,standard_font,1,test;
    digits = 0,10,3.0,standard_font,1,test2;

TEXT* status_text = 
{   pos_x = 20;
    pos_y = 70;
    flags = SHOW;
    font = standard_font;
    strings = 1;
    string("Status: N/A");

TEXT* save_text = 
{   pos_x = 20;
    pos_y = 40;
    flags = SHOW;
    font = standard_font;
    strings = 3;
    string("This is the first string","This is the second string","This is the third string");

function save_game()
{   game_save("test",1,SV_ALL);
    str_cpy((status_text.pstring)[0],"Status: Game Saved.");

function mem_clear()
{   str_cpy((save_text.pstring)[0],"   ");
    str_cpy((save_text.pstring)[1],"   ");
    str_cpy((save_text.pstring)[2],"   ");
    str_cpy((status_text.pstring)[0],"Status: Memory Cleared.");

function load_game()
{   game_load("test",1);
    str_cpy((status_text.pstring)[0],"Status: Game Loaded.");

function main()
{   on_f1 = save_game;
    on_f2 = mem_clear;
    on_f3 = load_game;
    {   wait(1);

To my surprise, this code doesnt work either. After game_load, the pstrings in save_text were still blank. As far as I can tell, game_save is just outright not working. Is it maybe bugged i wonder? Im currently using Gamestudio Pro 7.82 - i know its not the latest and greatest, but upgrading to A8 just causes me all kinds of other problems.

Is this maybe a bug in 7.82?

Last edited by Caermundh; 03/22/11 15:35.