The following code works:

// headers.h - headers file for test

typedef struct test_struct
{   var value1;
    var value2;
    STRING* str1;
    STRING* str2;
    STRING* str3;
    struct test_struct* next;
} test_struct;

typedef struct save_struct
{   var value1;
    var value2;
    var str1;
    var str2;
    var str3;
    struct save_struct* next;
} save_struct;

test_struct* first_struct;
test_struct* curr_struct;

save_struct* first_save;
save_struct* curr_save;

var test;
var test2;

// test.c

#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>
#include "headers.h"

FONT* standard_font = "ackfont.pcx";

PANEL* info_panel =
{   pos_x = 20;
    pos_y = 20;
    flags = SHOW;
    digits = 0,0,3.0,standard_font,1,test;
    digits = 0,10,3.0,standard_font,1,test2;

TEXT* info_text = 
{   pos_x = 20;
    pos_y = 40;
    flags = SHOW;
    font = standard_font;
    strings = 3;
    string("             ","             ","             ");

TEXT* status_text = 
{   pos_x = 20;
    pos_y = 70;
    flags = SHOW;
    font = standard_font;
    strings = 1;
    string("Status: N/A");

TEXT* save_text;

function save_game()
{   save_text = txt_create(3,1);
    (save_text.pstring)[0] = str_create(first_struct->str1);
    (save_text.pstring)[1] = str_create(first_struct->str2);
    (save_text.pstring)[2] = str_create(first_struct->str3);
    first_save->value1 = first_struct->value1;
    first_save->value2 = first_struct->value2;
    first_save->str1 = handle((save_text.pstring)[0]);
    first_save->str2 = handle((save_text.pstring)[1]);
    first_save->str3 = handle((save_text.pstring)[2]);
    str_cpy((status_text.pstring)[0],"Status: Game Saved.");

function mem_clear()
{   first_struct->value1 = 0;
    first_struct->value2 = 0;
    str_cpy((status_text.pstring)[0],"Status: Memory Cleared.");

function load_game()
{   game_load("test",1);
    first_struct->value1 = first_save->value1;
    first_struct->value2 = first_save->value2;
    first_struct->str1 = str_create(ptr_for_handle(first_save->str1));
    first_struct->str2 = str_create(ptr_for_handle(first_save->str2));
    first_struct->str3 = str_create(ptr_for_handle(first_save->str3));
    str_cpy((status_text.pstring)[0],"Status: Game Loaded.");

function main()
{   STRING* test_str2 = "This is the local str";
    on_f1 = save_game;
    on_f2 = mem_clear;
    on_f3 = load_game;
    first_struct = (test_struct*)malloc(sizeof(test_struct));
    first_struct->value1 = 5;
    first_struct->value2 = 10;
    first_struct->str1 = str_create("This is the first str");
    first_struct->str2 = str_create("This is the second str");
    first_struct->str3 = str_create("This is the third str");
    first_struct->next = NULL;
    first_save = (save_struct*)malloc(sizeof(save_struct));
    first_save->value1 = 0;
    first_save->value2 = 0;
    first_save->str1 = 0;
    first_save->str2 = 0;
    first_save->str3 = 0;
    first_save->next = NULL;
    {   test = first_struct->value1;
        test2 = first_struct->value2;
        (info_text.pstring)[0] = first_struct->str1;
        (info_text.pstring)[1] = first_struct->str2;
        (info_text.pstring)[2] = first_struct->str3;

After doing a game load, the strings were equal to "This is the xxx str" instead of random garbage. Kind of a pain to set up, but at least it works.
Thank you everyone for all your help.