
I am attempting to control mouse events using multitouch. The initial problem is that tablet touch only registers a mouse click when it drags, not just taps. So I can only click on panel buttons when I smudge my finger over a button, not simply tap.

So I did it over from the start, I wrote a DLL plugin which registers ev->hWnd as touch window, and set ev->ScanMessage to my own multitouch message handler function. Currently the handler assigns a value to global integer _global_MultiTouchActive. I retrieve this value in Lite-C, and print a little text on screen when I tap. This works very nice and quick.

Now I figured that if I want to simulate the left mouse button, I should call mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN,0,0,0,0) (and also LEFTUP). This starts to be a problem; the tapping response is severely delayed! It takes about half a second for the tapping to react again. Quickly pressing buttons is not possible anymore. It only happens when mouse_event is invoked.

Other than writing my own button function and check for the _global_MultiTouchActive integer in there, is there a way to somehow fix the delay with mouse_event?


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