I really do. The more I work with it, the more I dread firing it up and having to do ANYTHING in it. Seriously. Conitec, if you really want to bring this engine into the future, please do something about WED along the way. I mean, we all have to jump into WED at one time or another if for no other reason than to compile a level, attach behaviors to entities, etc. And that means we all have to use WED at some point. So why does it have to be such a pain in the you-know-what?

The UI is out of date (and bringing it up to date has been promised for literally years). The view ports are slow and clunky to get around in (takes some cues from some modern 3D software to see how it should function). Drag-duplicating still shifts items slightly out of position making snapping to the grid or other objects a pain at times (a problem that has been there since the creation of WED, has been reported numerous times and yet no fix has ever really surfaced).

I could go on and on, but I simply do not like working in WED. I am in the process of helping with a level that needs to be constructed in WED and every time I pop open the application I cringe. The mere thought of having to spend a few hours in WED causes me to want to beat my head against the wall (since that is preferable).

Please, for the love of what-ever, dump the current WED and replace it with something completely different ... something that actually works (and not that GED thing that only half seems to work).
