If I try to use any network functions with A7.86 Commercial I get an error message with the title "Malfunction W1192" and the text ": Unsupported feature". This happens e.g. to the pong_multiplayer.c example. This error message comes always, no matter if I use "-sv -cl", "-cl" or no command line at all. But Commercial is supposed to support Multiplayer.

I tested it with some older versions too. It didn't work with 7.82, 7.84 and 7.85 either. The next-older version I found on my harddisk was 7.10 and with 7.10 it works. It also worked with A8 Beta 8.005 (but I can't test it anymore because it expired) and with A8 Public Beta 8.02.0 Trial.

This happens with Windows 7 and XP. I reinstalled Windows 7 and Gamestudio A7 and it still doesn't work.