I'm gonna buy it once it's more cheap. I'm only interested in the singeplayer campaign anyway and Blizzard usually is good at this. I still have my doubts though that their concept of a story split in three parts will play out well. You usually cannot do that with a game like Starcraft. You're very limited in terms of mission design an most missions stayed fresh because you get a couple of new units. That totally doesn't work for a design where each faction has around 30 missions as even with additional units it's usually just about killing all enemies, moving certain stuff at certain locations or playing against a timer...

There of course also is the multiplayer part but I don't care about it. I dislike Starcraft'S extreme micro intensive and click spammy gameplay. There also are many things I simply find annoying like putting an extractor on a geyser, aborting it and building it again so you block your enemy. Things like that don't have much to do with "strategy" to my mind but just are annoying clickfests. If you like that it's ok for me but I prefer other games for a competitive multiplayer mode which concentrate more around strategy than around clicking right...