I ask a question and start a war, damn.

I checked out gravity. (By the way you have an issue if someone pushes the box against the wrong wall. Should make it so the player walks on box against wall and that pushes box out so they can get behind it)

Gravity is technically a sidescroll game... if there was more field to cause the camera to move with the player. But 3run is using the 3-D setup to accomplish this.

Sidescrolling games are basically defined as what what someone said earlier, a side view where the camera follows the player that uses panels and windows. (i.e. Super Mario Brothers, Castlevania, Contra, Sonic, Brahm Stoker's Dracula on Sega CD, ect, ect).

At least with all the fighting I see there's a ton of activity on this forum and not a forum that has 1 troll a week and no action.