ok, I was able to figure out how to do it. Ill post the program on here incase anyone has trouble doing it too.


#include <acknex.h>
int v, h, k, p, w, enemy_pos_x, bullet_pos_y;
var player_score = 0;
FONT* digital_font = "digital.pcx";

PANEL* main_char=
bmap = "enemy_ship1.bmp"; //this is where you write the name of the picture you want for the main character
layer = 11;
pos_x = 0; // x position for the char
pos_y = 100; // y position for the char
flags = SHOW | OVERLAY;

void run_bullet()

PANEL *mybullet = pan_create( "bmap=missile2.bmp; flags=VISIBLE | OVERLAY; pos_y = 130;", 11);
mybullet.pos_x = v+15;
while( mybullet->pos_y < screen_size.y )
mybullet->pos_y += 15 * time_step;
if((mybullet.pos_y > 300)&&(mybullet.pos_y < 400)&&(mybullet.pos_x > (w-100))&&(mybullet.pos_x < (w+100)))


void run_enemy()

PANEL *myenemy = pan_create( "bmap=ship3.bmp; flags=VISIBLE | OVERLAY; pos_y = 350; pos_x = 790;", 11);
while( myenemy->pos_x < screen_size.x )
myenemy->pos_x -= 4 * time_step;
w= myenemy.pos_x;

function update_player(PANEL *paddle,var paddle_mode,var key) //this function updates the player

paddle.pos_x += 30*time_step*key;
paddle.pos_x = clamp(paddle.pos_x,0,700);
v = paddle.pos_x;



#define USER 1

var mode_player = USER;

function main ()

int enemy_count=0,create_counter=0;

while (enemy_count < 15)
update_player(main_char, mode_player, key_d-key_a); // makes d and a the keys to be pressed in order to move the player
wait (1);

if (create_counter%600 == 0)
enemy_count++; //

if (key_v)
if (create_counter%100 == 0)




else if (key_esc) { sys_exit(NULL); }



Thanks again for taking the time to help me =].


To see what 3d models i have made and animated, see the link to my bloghttp://championsdawn.blogspot.com