Good lord saten why did I just read this entire thread? lol it took several hours 'cause I read every post lol

Here's my perspective. In high school I told people I was an atheist. I got a lot of shit for it. People said horrible things to my face. Even my teachers showed disprovable. I just said 'fuck you' and moved on with my life. I knew they were just judgmental pricks.

You know why I put up with that shit? Because I was/am proud to be an atheist! I am proud to be who I am regardless of what society thinks of me. I never did any harm to anyone, yet I offended average American Teenagers simply because I didn't agree with their faith. I never said Jesus was a douchebag or anything hurtful, I just said I was an atheist! Now I burn? Now I have no morals? I'm less vindictive than most Christians I know! In fact I don't believe in retribution!

So I've decided, I'm going to speak my mind. No law or person is going to stop me from expressing myself. Oh did I offend you? Tough. You don't have to listen to me, just ignore me and move on, just like I've ignored all the religious bullshit shoved down my throat by peers.

I say let the these people draw their pictures. They are expressing themselves and no one should stop them just because somebody might get pissed, in the end it's the radicals hurting themselves by getting so worked up.

That's what I learned from taking shit in high school. If I let those punkass kids get to me than I would have been hurting myself.

I will never ever change who I am to appease someone. That's Freedom of Speech! Expressing who you are! I will fight those who try to stop that! I am a writer! If you take that from me than I am nothing. It is a freedom I would defend with my life because it is my life.

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R.I.P. Dave Williams