Originally Posted By: croman
Oh come on man, you find a life and you stop bulls* all the time!

CEO and you're 14-15 years old, how can that be?!?!

"...subsidiary of Joquan Productions." - do you even know what this means? Or did you see that on some >> PRO << companys website and you just copied it over on your site?

if we're wrong and you ARE indeed 2d artist, please by all means show us some of your work and prove us wrong!

until then, find some other forum and people to play your little games with you or grab yourself some tutorial for programming or 3d moddeling and start LEARNING... you're a long way from becoming even something close to CEO!

I have said, do not assume anything. I know more than you would expect from a 15-yr-old teen. You are wrong, and I have demo number 2 of my project up for download. Go here. Try it out. It is only the second one in a series of 10 or more demos before the final release. After that, I will be updating it. I have been taking college-grade courses in JavaScript. I was taking C++ and Java, but I put a halt on them for now. I am no where near a long way from being a CEO. Try that out for size.

PS - Last warning, already removed your moderator access on my site. One more outburst like this, and I will ban your account. I am sick of hearing this crap.