OK, i updated the mainpost, you'll now find a downloadlink for a Prealphademo.

And if you turn around by 180 degrees at the beginning and go through THAT door, you'll be at the outerwall with the exit in front of you. Wait for the moving cube. You cant die atm so when you fall down, you'll have to restart.

EDIT: WAIT demo has a problem, includes wrong dll which doesnt run on win7 an 64bit system. Might crash. Currently reuploading the project with fixed dll.

EDIT2: Demo fixxed and working dll included.


Last edited by Rackscha; 03/30/10 20:22.

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(for example my current
Muliplayer Bomberman,
GenesisPrecompiler for LiteC
and TileMaster, an easy to use Tile editor)