Sorry though as I'm working in a company which sets up and heavily extends OS-Commerce-based onlineshops I can't resist on advertising me :-P

As said we set up the shop for you including making a design/layout. We have a lot of payment method contributions included. Furthermore we also have several self-programmed extension and can make new ones if you wish to have a specific feature which is not implemented.
We also host the shop and domain for a small monthly fee including unlimited traffic. An arbitrary number of mailaccount is included as well.

Ok enough advertising.

If you can't / don't want to pay for such a service I recommend OS-Commerce. Although it's badly maintained it already includes everything you need for a nice onlineshop, including multilanguage-ness.
Furthermore as Landixus and pegamode already mentioned this system is free! >ou get A LOT of free contributions for it. As most of the contributions are well documented on how to implement them you don't even need to know php, you just have to be able to track down particular source snippets and be able to replace them with a text editor.

Drop me a pm if you wanna know more about having this done as service by my company as I don't want to post a link to our site (I think that would to be too hard of advertisment here).


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