Well I wouldn't say this has to be IK as this would be to have a recursive relationship between every bone. Though you just want to rotate a single bone and don't need this relationship of bones taken into account as far as I understand.

Well I'd say that's tricky anyways. Doing this directly with vectors would require a rotation matrix if I remember correctly. Therefore working with pan, tilt and roll would be more appropriate.

Here's some untested pseudo-code for you.
 * First of get the euler angles we start from!
ANGLE* StartAngle = nullvector;
ang_for_bone(StartAngle, player, "BoneName");

 * Alright now get the euler angles of the destination.
VECTOR* DestVec = vector(you.x, you.y, you.z);
ANGLE* DestAngle = nullvector;
vec_to_ang(DestAngle, DestVec);

 * Calculate the difference of the start and destination position.
ANGLE* DiffAngle = nullvector;
ang_diff(DiffAngle, StartAngle, DestAngle);

 * Now we have everything we need! Rotate the bone.
ANGLE* StillToRotate = nullvector;
while(1) {
    ent_bonerotate(player, "BoneName", vector(
                     DiffAngle.pan * time_step,
                     DiffAngle.tilt * time_step,
                     DiffAngle.roll * time_step)

     * We gotta check if we are close to our destination.

     * For that we first get the angle we still have to journey
    ang_for_bone(StartAngle, player, "BoneName");
    ang_diff(StillToRotate, StartAngle, DestAngle);

     * Now we see if we are near the destination.
    if( StillToRotate.pan < 1.0 && StillToRotate.pan > -1.0 &&
        StillToRotate.tilt < 1.0 && StillToRotate.tilt > -1.0 &&
        StillToRotate.roll < 1.0 && StillToRotate.roll > -1.0) {
         * We are pretty close to our destination! Though to make sure
         * we really reach the destination just snap the bone to it.
        <Your Bone snap code>
        // Don't forget to exit the while-loop!

 * (Hopefully) be happy

This would be the way I would approach this stuff! Neither don't know if it really works nor if it is fast enough in realtime. Though I hope this gives you an idea how to approach the problem.

EDIT: By the way. Why do you actually want to interpolate bones manually?


Last edited by KDuke; 02/15/10 20:46.

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