Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the 4th episode of the weekly forum poll,

Avatar wars!

In this game, two randomly chosen contestants wage a war of non-wit in a contest to determine who has the greatest forum avatar. The rules are simple: every forum member, including the contestants, have the ability to vote for their favorite avatar. After three days of voting, the contest will end, and forum goers will have the ability to see who won this week's Avatar Wars Contest!

Because this post was created later than usual, this week's avatar war will start as soon as I make this post. The contest will end exactly 2 days later on February 12th, 2010. During that time, contestants may promote themselves, bribe voters, trash talk opponents, and otherwise carry out whatever (non-lethal) action it takes to win the contest, besides the following:

Users may not hack or sniff incoming forum packets (obviously)
Contestants may not change their avatars during the contest

Now, for your contestants....


Redeemer versus Captain_Kiyaku!

Avatar Wars is brought to you by forum user "Redeemer". Any questions or comments regarding the Avatar Wars ideas should be forwarded to him in a PM.

Sorry for the late post. I totally forgot about this contest today.

Avatar Wars: Round 4
single choice
18%, 5 Votes
82%, 23 Votes
Total Votes: 28
Voting on this poll ends: 02/12/10 23:01

Eats commas for breakfast.

Play Barony: Cursed Edition!