Wow! You have a lot of problems with your code here.

First, you should NEVER put a semicolon at the end of an "if" statement, like this:


Or your code won't work. Period.

Also, the statement "select-50" is just an expression. It does not change the value of "select". To subtract 50 from "select", you have to type:

select -= 50;

There should not be any declaration for "key_cuu" in your script; that is handled automatically when you include "acknex.h"

Here's something else I should mention:

if(select = 0)
  select = 0;

This is redundant. This means: if select is 0, make it 0. Why do we need to do that? "select" is already 0 in case the "if" statement is true.

One last thing; if "select" is a panel pointer, you can't shift it up by subtracting 50 from it. For that, you have to type:

select.pos_y -= 50;

Eats commas for breakfast.

Play Barony: Cursed Edition!