One of the newest theory states that every big bang occurs from a black hole in another universe. A black hole gathers mass over an infinite* amount of time in one universe, and blasts all of that out in an instant as another universe. So one instant of time in that universe is an eternity* in ours.

But these are just speculations.

So, here an example of how the big bang did not occur out of nothing. I'm sure there are other clarifications of what happened before that first 10^-15 second the universe existed. God, aliens and time travelling monkeys are not excluded, but one is more unlikely than the other, and all more unlikely than the more scientific methods. This statistic of likeliness is derived from past revelations in physics: by science instead of God or aliens (by our current knowledge founded on facts, and not believe**). But in the ultimate end, it´s all 50/50 as all of them have a chance to be truth.

Out of all three I somewhere would hope God existed, as I would like someone to be able to take care over us, as we seem not capable of watching over ourselves. But I do not like to believe in lies and dream dreams. If science was founded by mankind alone, then great! Life is amazing indeed. If aliens gave us technology, then great as well! We're not alone after all, and they were so close all the time. Just to declare my neutrality and show that whatever is truth, all solutions have their good sides.

Of course one does not need to stop the pursue in the meaning of life and the universe. I like to read all stories, but I do not like senseless forum wars in threads that are not even meant to start one. You get no more an answer posting in this thread than making your own relevant thread.

Why indoctrinate everyone by your alien theory, MMike? You will create your own lies eventually, and belie everyone you drag into your believe by saying you state facts. This is no science.

*Close to eternity in our humble perspective.

**If one was to say aliens gave us the science to reveal what we know, and evidence would be the messages they left us in crop circles or Baghdad batteries or whatever, then it's solely founded on believe and desire in aliens rather than rational thinking. Here too chances are 50/50 that either aliens gave technology or mankind found out themselves. It's foolish to think humans can not think of these ingenious devices by themselves. You better dive into human societies first before talking, and figure how smart some of us really are. Not all of us are bleating dummies not able to think of something ingenious without the help of aliens or God.

Last edited by Joozey; 01/17/10 16:08.

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