i wanted a simple score counter for my spaceship game. (a counter from "00 to 99")
But the code doesn`t works good. First problem is that every time i shoot down an enemy the counter count`s +2. But in the code i wrote "score_value += 1;". Why it counts too much?
The second problem is that the score counter stops at "08". After that, it doesn`t count anymore,but why?
(both codes are based on the AUM37)

Here is the code for the counter:

font score_font_01 = <scorefont_01.tga>, 15, 15;

string score_str = "0";
string temp_str;

var score_value = 0;

text score_txt
	pos_x = 188;
	pos_y = 47;
	layer = 9;
	font = score_font_01;
	string = score_str;
	flags = visible;

starter compute_score()
while (1)
		str_for_num(temp_str, score_value);  
		if (str_len(temp_str) == 1)
			str_cpy(score_str, "0");
			str_cat(score_str, temp_str);
		if (str_len(temp_str) == 2)
			str_cat(score_str, temp_str);
		wait (1);

And thats the code for the enemy:
function destroy_drone()
	if(you.skill40 == 1234)
	 score_value += 1;

thx for help (and sorry for my bad english)