I just wanted to say I enjoyed your demo, and will refrain from commenting on the collision because it has already been brought up. What really caught my eye was the water trail effects. They look beautiful. If you are taking suggestions for a possible sequel, I think there should be water spray(particles) that leave water dropplets on the screen when it comes in contact with it similar to rain in NFS2U. Though I only played the demo for a few minutes, I did not see any jumps. Are there any jumps? If not that should be a nice addition for a sequel. Thx for the demo .


"you give me the reason, you give me control, i gave you my purity, my purity you stole, did you think i wouldn't recognize this compromise? am i just too stupid to realize?" - Trent Reznor (NiN) Yahoo Messager ID: SHATT3R3DFA1TH