7.82.2 Pro

The vertex weighting doesn't seem to be working properly. I have set max_bones to 4 (also tried 2 and 3).

I have made a very simple test case to demonstrate the problem. I made two long blocks in MED. The one on the bottom uses unweighted vertices, where the left side is attached to the parent bone, and the right side to the child bone. In the block on top, the left most vertices are weighted to the parent bone with a value of 1, and decrease by 20% leftwards, and weighted to the child bone with a value of 1 to the child bone and decrease by 20% rightwards. The model looks correct when animated in MED, and indicates that there are a maximum of two bones per vertex (see image):

When the child bone of each block is rotated in the engine with max_bones=1, the blocks behave as expected, with only the vertices closest to the center being affected:

With max_bones=4, I would expect the blocks to look like they do in MED, but for some reason the left vertices (where the weight on the child bones is less than .5) do not move at all with the child bone:

Here's my script:
#include <acknex.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <default.c>

PANEL* info = {
	digits(10, 10, 1, "Courier#12b", 1, max_bones);
	flags = SHOW;

action boneweightblocks(){
	var r;
		ent_bonerotate(me, "weighted_c", vector(0,0,r));
		ent_bonerotate(me, "unweighted_c", vector(0,0,r));

function main(){
	max_bones = 1;

I added the bone weights to the model using the ascii bone export and import feature:
Bones: 4;
"weighted_p", "", -50.000000 0.000000 29.000000;
"weighted_c", "weighted_p", 108.000000 0.000000 -1.000000;
"unweighted_p", "", -49.000000 0.000000 -26.000000;
"unweighted_c", "unweighted_p", 107.000000 0.000000 0.000000;

Groups: 1;
Group: 0 {
Bone: "weighted_p" 20;
4, 1.000000;
5, 1.000000;
6, 1.000000;
7, 1.000000;
8, 0.8000000;
9, 0.8000000;
10, 0.8000000;
11, 0.8000000;
12, 0.600000;
13, 0.600000;
14, 0.600000;
15, 0.600000;
16, 0.400000;
17, 0.400000;
18, 0.400000;
19, 0.400000;
20, 0.200000;
21, 0.200000;
22, 0.200000;
23, 0.200000;

Bone: "weighted_c" 20;
0, 1.000000;
1, 1.000000;
2, 1.000000;
3, 1.000000;
8, 0.2000000;
9, 0.2000000;
10, 0.2000000;
11, 0.2000000;
12, 0.400000;
13, 0.400000;
14, 0.400000;
15, 0.400000;
16, 0.600000;
17, 0.600000;
18, 0.600000;
19, 0.600000;
20, 0.800000;
21, 0.800000;
22, 0.800000;
23, 0.800000;

Bone: "unweighted_p" 12;
28, 1.000000;
29, 1.000000;
30, 1.000000;
31, 1.000000;
32, 1.000000;
33, 1.000000;
34, 1.000000;
35, 1.000000;
36, 1.000000;
37, 1.000000;
38, 1.000000;
39, 1.000000;

Bone: "unweighted_c" 12;
24, 1.000000;
25, 1.000000;
26, 1.000000;
27, 1.000000;
40, 1.000000;
41, 1.000000;
42, 1.000000;
43, 1.000000;
44, 1.000000;
45, 1.000000;
46, 1.000000;
47, 1.000000;


you can download all the files i used here

Joris Lambrecht
My Contributions: Relative Rotation, Window Sizing