i am dont get it working very good but here is the thing you can do

headwindow = CreateWindowEx(NULL,"STATIC","",WS_VISIBLE | WS_POPUP,recta.right-200,40,200,60,hWnd,NULL,hInstance,NULL);

hwnd_coll[0] = CreateWindowEx(NULL,"STATIC","you text",WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | WS_BORDER,10,color_offset_y - 25,150,20,headwindow,50,hInstance,"1");

for more info check this:

you can swicth the STATIC to BUTTON/COMBOBAOX/EDIT rest didnt test
but i cant get it to retreive changements in the windows
so you need GetWindowText for that

Last edited by flits; 12/11/09 19:10.
