In much post processing the original view or subsequent views are blended with a view or views that are processed. Such as in a multipass bloom effect.

However it seems that currently if a bitmap is assigned to the camera view, for later processing, view entities will not appear.

The code below uses the workshop emboss example modified with a blob view entity and two lines that set up a bitmap for the camera view. As is, the view entity appears, but uncomment the lines to create the camera bitmap, and the view entity is not rendered.

ENTITY* blob =
  type = "blob.mdl";
  flags2 = SHOW;  
  x = 150; 
  y = 35; 
BMAP* camera_scene;
MATERIAL* mtlEmboss = {effect = "pp_emboss.fx"; }
VIEW* viewEmboss = {material = mtlEmboss; flags = PROCESS_TARGET;}
function main()
  //camera_scene = bmap_createblack(screen_size.x, screen_size.y,32);
  //camera.bmap = camera_scene; 
  camera.stage = viewEmboss;

This is also the reason why a user of shade-c's DOF, HDR or bloom effect find that their view entities are no longer visible with any of shade-c's effects enabled.

Not two, not one.