I think making Extra free is very cool, and a very good move laugh

If you were to consider adding a limited form of shaders, what about full shader support while still withholding PP-effects and Render to Texture? Render to Texture is relied upon so heavily these days anyway (shadowmapping, SSAO, refraction, reflection, deferred shading, to name a few), all it really means is that people with the free version can use normal mapping and toon shaders (yeah, there're more than that, but these have been standard in games for years and years now).

Either way I am stoked it's free, even though I already have Com. I think it's a great move, especially since (as you've mentioned) the vast majority of your sales are from Com and Pro (let alone your profits, as an Extra sale contributes much less than a Com or Pro).


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!