Originally Posted By: Dark_samurai
Chris3D wrote:
Sorry for the misunderstanding Cowabanga, I meant that you get it free from conitec, because I thought they would implemented in A7, not in A8.

Why doesn't conitect buy the PhysX plugin of Chris3D, then we could have PhysX in the next update?

It's not that easy, seeing as you have to take out 1 physics engine, replace it with another, and make sure it's properly backwards compatible (for A6 reasons...)

I can see a 2nd physics next to DOE be implemented, but not a complete replacement...
How easy would this request be to be implemented, in a way like:

phcon_setparams3(VECTOR movementAxisLock, VECTOR rotationAxisLock);


ph_lockaxis(VECTOR movement, VECTOR rotation);

Both being able to lock/unlock any axis at any given time?
(Or have aPhysX plugin in the new update that can do the same:P)

I basically have my design done, I just got stuck on this bit for implementation of a game I want to make...


Formerly known as dennis_fantasy
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