Long time no update eh?

Well here's why: we had some problems with some of the game. We had video issues, sound issues, etc. Good news though, the game is still going on (yay!) and we're doing some finishing up now. The game is close to finished, but we won't release until we get all our deals going and everything, what with it going to be on steam and possibly direct2drive. As of now, you can play completely through the game and the mini-games. The credits are in and everything is going well now. Sadly we couldn't get it out in spring, but better to make sure everything is finalized than to release a product that is not in working order.

As for music, if you guys want to hear some of it go here:


Yes, Temporal Static Studios is doing our music again. PreVa's music was great and we decided to let TSS do this one too.

- aka Manslayer101