Of course it is dead. It may not be totally useless now but soon enough. Time doesn't stand still.

Have to disagree here. A vertice stays a vertice, a face a face, and a bone a bone. Just think of Milkshape here. That is what i call basic, here the time stands indeed still. But it is still popular wink

I have learned to use a tool as long as it does the job. And start to search for alternatives when the tool doesn't do the job anymore, not earlier. trueSpace does the job for me. Most other packages not. Be it because they are too expensive or too limited or unusable.

Half finished means in our case that it includes the complete old version 6.6 as a plugin, that it has complete and working modeling tools, that it has a working bones system, that it ...

Regarding progress, the plugin developers are still active. Now even more than before because most of them were Beta testers. And now they have more time. Some of those guys have for example already fixed some of the quirks that were introduced by the rushed release. Plugins are in development. New tools and functionality is in discussion ...

trueSpace is not dead. It's just the official development that is stopped wink

trueSpace 7.6, A7 commercial
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