Originally Posted By: EvilSOB

When standing still, just jump on the spot.
When walking/running, jump a short to long distance.
When standing in front of a low wall, "vault" over the wall.
When standing in front of a ladder, grab the ladder and start climbing.
When standing in close below a climbable structure/rope, jump up and grab the object and hang.

... minimises the players need to think, "which key does "this" again?"
...feel this is starting to feel a bit scripted.

the only aspect that would make the player feel scripted there is the vaulting over the wall... climbing the ladder/rope would work perfectly with that though... say i jump at the ladder... i automatically grab hold, this is the way to do it and ALOT of games do this, is it even done any other way? a button press isnt very smart in a shooter... though it is done, i saw it in killzone 2 but i also noticed you only saw ladders where there was no combat... smile

reduces the
number of control keys required, and minimises the players need to think, "which key does "this" again?

i love this thinking, i'd like to think i'm relatively good at shooters and one of the MAJOR reason i die is because i KNOW what weapon i want to select, yet, i cant get it, simply because i have too many and i switch to the wrong one first which results in death, this might seem rather simple but happens ALOT.. sure you might say, press the weapons number but when in combat and you have some 13 year old noob rushing you with a shotgun and youre carrying 6 weapons and KNOW you want the assaultrifle, you think about finding the key assigned to it!! chances are you'll press the wrong one alot of times, this is the reason i limited the max weapons in my game to two, so you know what you want and pickup what you need, so when in combat, one press gives you your next weapon...

again, the point of this thread is, HOW to KEEP the feel of an FPS in the view setup of a 3ps....