Originally Posted By: Petra
No. I use the same effect for a waterfall and it works fine. mtlfx.wdl is for old A6 WDL only and can't be used in a lite-C file anyway. When you attempt to include that, you'll probably get tons of errors because you cant use different languages at the same time.

Maybe your version is too old? But then it would not crash but give an error message. Use the debugger to find the line where it crashes.

The u,v parameters are not in the manual, but they are in the atypes.h file with the remark "texture offsets", and thats what they do, at least in my game.

Sorry, I said "crash" again when I meant it won't compile and gives an error message. I tried including atypes.h at the top of the dozer demo code, and it still won't compile. And that's a program I KNOW is coded correctly.

It says:

"... 'u' is not a member of ENTITY..."

I think that's line 142.

It had some other errors at the first few lines when I first tried to compile it myself. I added default.c and acknex.h, and then it started getting errors at that line. So including atypes.h in the dozer demo still won't compile.