Originally Posted By: Doof_Guy
wow looks great! I really like the style of it now, looks very much like the real portal wink


Originally Posted By: DiegoFloor
I'm not sure I get the point :P I'd use all this energy to make something new.

But still, it's coming along nicely smile

Well like mentioned, it's mainly to make people see you can make a game like the very successful Portal in 3DGS.

But then also, it's to explain a bit of backstory on a alternative timeline one of my next games would be involved in.

Originally Posted By: DoC
I check a while this project and think nice clone, but now I think its a really cool clone but I think too.. why make the same with other name? You may learn much by making but if you finish what you do with it. Thats the same as you make a star wars game with no lizence ^^

But I like what you done ^^

See above + I will release it Open Source when I'm finished with it.

Originally Posted By: LarryLaffer
Hi Michael,

Want this? smile


PS: I uploaded that model after seeing your project, but i decided to do it the proper way and post it to the User Contributions forum instead. Keep up the good work.

Hi! Thank you a lot, but as a part of keeping Valve's lawyers of my ass, many of the models will look different than the real deal. Your turret unfortunately looks too similar to the original. But thanks anyway!

"Sometimes JCL reminds me of Notch, but more competent" ~ Kiyaku