I am currently using the A7 multiplayer system for my FPS but am considering using ANET Pro, mainly because I need to HTTP download files. But I have some doubts about switching my app to ANET, these doubts are caused by comparing the ANET version of Georges MP demo with the A7 version from the lite-c tutorial workshop 25.

Both versions work fine, but the A7 tutorial version is much shorter in code and less complicated than ANET. Also, the players move smoother in the A7 version probably because of dead reckoning. I also have the impression that the A7 version needs less bandwidth than ANET.

So it looks as if my code would become larger and more complicated when I move my FPS to ANET Pro, and I would need to implement dead reckoning in script. So here is my suggestion, can you make an ANET version that mimicks the A7 MP commands? This would make code conversion much easier because then you only had to add "anet_" or something to the commands and it would just be search-and-replace. I think you would attract more customers this way. Also, it would be good when dead reckoning were already implemented in the ANET dll.

Second question, will it work when I use ANET for http file transfer only, but A7 for multiplayer? Or must I switch my multiplayer code completely to ANET when I use HTTP commands?