Originally Posted By: LordMoggy
Because software is over priced!

You probably did not understand the markets. An overpriced tool cannot exist for long. Software is quite flexible and if you overprice your tool then another one will create a similar one. Actually you already find that everywhere.

Is Blender overpriced, or Wings3d, Silo, Lightwave, Modo? No, absolutely not. Maybe XSI or Max is overpriced but you dont have to steal it. There are enough alternatives. You are not making a blockbuster cinema movie. You even do not have the man power to do so. You just want to model a low poly object.
Most of the Max users here in the forum just create boxes and chairs. They could even use MED for that.

The reason is another one: People have no idea about the power of certain tools. They just follow some trends. And they believe a software can do the magic for them. So they also believe the most expensive tool will do the most magic. We all know that this is not the case in the fields of art. You have to become an artist, not a tool-user.

And what about games? Are they overpriced? I dont think so. I can get games for a budget price of 5-10 bucks.

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