This is kinda hard to explain in 3dgs terms because its from Adobe Flash's actionscript.

Let's say I have a fer variables: var1 var2 var3.

Say I want to go through all of them in sequence, setting each to a certain value. In actionscript I would do:

function goThrough(number){
    var i = 1;
        ["var"+i] = random(10);

while in lite-c you would have to:

    var1 = random(10);
    var2 = random(10);
    var3 = random(10);

Essencially what it does is go through all the vars and sets each to a random number. What the ["var"+i] section does is search for the variable "varX" where X is whatever i is. So if i == 2 then it searches for var2. Can you do something like that in lite-c? I read the sections in the manual about variables but nothing...

Last edited by PlaystationThree; 01/09/09 08:14.

Bet you don't know where Taiwan is lol.

"The Lord is my light and my salvation..." Psm 27:1