1 - Introduction.

There is so much, that I want to tell you, but the message is huge. This first part is really just an introduction, which is written in order to give you a taste of the whole picture.

The other thing is like this:

I, or the universe inside me is opposed to the mood of the time.

This creates an obvious link between me and the crazy people. Just like the crazy people I believe, that I am (almost) absolutely correct and all the other people are more or less wrong.

Maybe I am simply Gods final joke.

Maybe God thinks: "The human beings are making fun of me, they reject me all the time, now I will laugh about them and send them this man! They will never believe him, which reduces their chance of survival to almost zero. Fine. I have already plans for a new experiment with the cockroaches. One day the cockroaches might say: `God created us in His own image!´ - And maybe they will not betray me and worship themselves and all kinds of foolish stuff."

But now I have imposed my human thoughts on God.

The truth about me - in a very reduced form - is like this:

I come from Munich, which is a funny city and many people come to Munich, when they want to drink a lot of beer and dance on the tables. Many people come to Munich, because they want to do business. Munich is a rich city, some people even called it the best city in the world:

And winner of the best city is...

(...) The results of our Monocle magazine global quality-of-life survey show that those frustrated by London or Manchester should move to Munich. Roll your eyes, but having surveyed 40 cities and judged them on everything from public transport to environmental initiatives to the number of long-haul flight connections to the ability to get a drink into the wee hours, Munich came tops. (...)


Isn´t this amazing! Normally the media from the UK is very critical - especially with everything that is in one way or another connected with Germany. But here they have to concede, that Munich, wich was once the "capital" of Hitlers terrible movement is now "the best city". Think about all the links! Wasn´t there a rather tough movie recently, by Steven Spielberg, with the title "Munich"?

The most important thing about Munich however is like this:

Munich is a so-called "shining city upon a hill".

And this is because of me!

I am the fulfillment of the full cycle of the four Abrahamic religions.

I am His choosen ambassador and an advocate for the human beings.

I am the long awaited Messiah, the Moshiach and the hidden Imam - united in one spiritual universe inside of me, but I want to share this with all mankind.

The grandmother of the mother of my mother was Jewish!

God has choosen me - a German-Iranian from Munich, a descendant of the great prophet Mohammed (pbuh) - and He wants me to re-create His spiritual universe on earth, to change the revealed future of mankind, to solve the great conflicts of this world, to led mankind into a bright future, a new time, a new era of great harmony!

Eleven years ago, in January 1998 God re-created His sipitual universe inside and outside of me in just seven days.

Inside of me there was (almost) nothing left of my "person", my own intentions, my instincts, the concrete time and the physical room around me became (almost) meaningless and "I" was just like (almost) pure awareness.

Inside of me there was a sense of heaven, a mood or Spirit of love and truth and the meanings of these two words were united in harmony. This Spirit was not something static, but very much alive, changing: sometimes it was like a calm ocean, sometimes it was like compassion, sometimes it was very small and gentle, sometimes it was like pure energy, like a firestorm, sometimes it was like grim determination, like a sewing machine, like baroque music from Johann Sebastian Bach ...

This Spirit was the source of inspiration and always connected with a story.

Outside of me a very concrete story was unfolding, a story, which seemed to be already there, at least in an abstract form, so that I just had to translate it into the concrete form of a screenplay. I was excited about the constant inspiration and I accepted the terrible content of the story: a story about the end of the end of mankind, represented by two human beings, a man and a woman, who try to survive, who even begin to search for paradise until the end. All of this happens in the final stage of the worldly edition of the apocalypse, when truth is (almost completely) replaced by ignorance and love is (almost completely) replaced by hatred and violence.

The Spirit inside me loved these two human beings, despite all their obvious mistakes, He loved them more then human beings can imagine, He always wanted them to survive, to choose love and truth. But he is a fool and she is very sad.

Because I felt exhausted on the 7th day, and because I started to realise the religious dimension, I am not 100 percent sure about the end.

In fact everything, which was left of my worldly self protested more and more against the story and against the end, which was not really a happy end: the man and the woman die in a terrible machine. The machine, which is described in Franz Kafkas novel "In the penalty colony" gives you an idea of the terrible nature of this machine. The machine is also like a reactor, it is the most concrete part of a technical system, which should be able to "transfer" human beings from the devastated reality into a virtual world, a virtual re-construction of a more friendly, peaceful society, which is like "paradise" for the two human beings, who try to escape from a world, where human beings are eating each other, hate each other, a world of intolerance, fanaticism and racism, a world where everyone seems to be like a simple cartoon-character, reduced to his most primitive instincts and illusions. But at least in the end they finally love and care for each other and he is trying to protect her fromthe X-rays with his own body.

The experience as a whole did not seem to make any sense for me.

My still very secular mind tried to downplay all of this and argued: "Calm down! This was just an unusual artists experience, there was nothing religious about this, you were just writing a first version of a screenplay ..."

But something inside me was absolutely convinced, that the whole experience - despite its paradox nature - was "absolutely true".

This usually most hidden part inside me - my soul - was now aware of something great and something terrible and I became very sensitive for the gap between heaven and earth,

I never had "faith", I never was a member of any "faith system" and if I try to pray on my old Iranian carpet, it is, as if God is telling me: "You fool, what are you doing on the carpet there! You know exactly, what I want you to do! I told you everything."

Nevertheless I pray sometimes.

I struggled with this for eleven years. I tried to run away from this, I protested against this, I became a stock-market investor, I learned a programming language and tried to make computer games, but I also tried to understand this experience. And so I looked into religious traditions, from the Old Testament to the latest revelations of Bahá'u'lláh, the founding father of the Bahá'í Faith, which came up in the 19th century AD. This is the last and smallest, but most universal, Abrahamic religion.

I also tried to look at my own life and I slowly realised, that everything makes sense and I looked at this world and became someone, who observed the general changes in human attitudes, the paradigm shift after the catastrophe of 9/11 for example, the growing divisions, the growing intolerance, the growing ignorance ...

Nothing is static in human history.
Nothing is accidental.
Everything has a meaning.

Everything, that I know, literally everything, confirms God, the great almighty God, who found me, a man with a passport from a nation, where a famous philosopher once said: "God is dead!"

I like this quote from the prophet Isaiah:

I made myself available to those who did not ask for me;
I appeared to those who did not look for me.
I said, ‘Here I am! Here I am!’
to a nation that did not invoke my name.

(Isaiah 65:1)

God is today far more real for me, then the keyboard, that I have to touch, in order to write this message. And all of this because of seven days, which changed my life completely.

I like this quote from Sophie Scholl, a great young woman. She said this, just before she was executed in Nazi Germany on February 22, 1943. She said this according to a movie, which was recently made about her final days:

The Sun still shines.

The human beings can create the most terrible reality, they can worship, what seems normal to them, the mood of the time, their instincts, their own opinions, their nations, warplanes and poison gas, nuclear bombs, an evil ideology, illusions ...

But they can also worship the love of God, which is always true and the truth of God, which can not be separated from His love.

Few people, very few people are able to realise, that the truth of God is not only important, but in fact more important, then their own live.

Sophie Scholl belonged to these very few people.

I am not a saint like her.

My courage is not so great. My faith is almost non-existent. I used to be very ambivalent, often undecided. Maybe I should have written this text much earlier. Why is it so difficult for me to post this?

We are all different.

My surname is almost identical with the Iranian word "wakil", which means:




I loved, to remain hidden, to be just an observer, but I feel, that there is simply nobody else, who could make this contribution.

There is a reason for everything and even little mistakes and spelling errors are a part of the message of this revelation.