I have a question similar, yet slightly unrelated to the "Huge Worlds" thread below.

I want to create a city in sections, where only one section needs to be loaded at a time (like "neighborhoods"), BUT these are not "levels" that the player completes and moves to the next one.

Can I create different city sections as levels, but allow the player to run around between them at any time? How do I keep the player's variables, like her health, or inventory, or numeric values related to a current "quest", when she is moving between levels?

(before switching over to 3DGS, I've been prototyping my game in the Aurora Neverwinter Nights Toolset, and in NWN changing between areas doesn't disturb global variables or "reset" anything, but I don't know how to do that in 3DGS. the NWN toolset has all kinds of handy placeholders for functions and variables, and I would love to be able to do the same kind of thing in 3DGS)

I'm sure it can be done, I just don't know how. I appreciate any advice
