Originally Posted By: PHeMoX
Going by the Bible, God isn't an ever-friendly being by the way. I'm not saying he 'hates' in general, but there are parts in the Bible where he seems angry to say the least, :P

That's entirely true. The question is, if someone murdered in cold blood, and decided that they were right in doing so. Would you not insist the death penalty? People seem to think that the christian God doesn't get angry or have any emotions, that's completely not true. The bible says "we were created in his image" that means that we were created with all the features of God, including emotions. What makes what God says right? Well...he's God, the creator. It's like asking "is what my parents taught me wrong?".

@jcl, frank: The fact is that God does not SEND you to hell. God gives the option of living any way you like, however, when you make a bad choice and live against his ways, then you go to hell because you did not listen despite what he has said. There is no hate crime involved. Would you expect someone to break the law and not pay the penalty? No, you would expect no less than them to be punished, is that a hate crime? Is sending someone to the electric chair because they committed cold blooded premeditated murder a hate crime?

The thing most of you don't seem to understand is also what JulzMighty said, the bible does not say that if you go to hell you will be there for all eternity, as a matter of fact the book of Nicodemus (not included in the bible by the catholic church) records that certain people like Moses (who disobeyed God) made it into heaven when Jesus went to heaven.

Do not call going to hell a hate crime, you choose yourself where you want to go by deciding to believe in God or not. If you don't follow his commandments, that's your fault, don't blame him.

- aka Manslayer101