so it's about time software companies moved stepped up to the plate.

What I mean't by this was better put by Amy.


The old idea of selling copies of bytes will work less and less and people will have to think of new business models.

I would not like to see advertising in games becoming the main income for games development teams, any more than the next man. But then I also hate spam mail and pop-up advertising. Realistically this is a likely business model to see in the future, although I am sure there will be others.

The current MMO trend is a good reflection of the industry reaction, after all paying a smaller repeat fee to be a member, where your data is stored on their servers, stops copyright being a major issue. No account? can't play!

As games move more and more online, the ability to pirate software will be come something of a mute point.

Still those that can't hit the market with a strong and possibly unique MMO ip, may find it harder to get a real ROI for their product.

Very interesting times we live in

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