I tested d3d_antialias problem also with shadertest.c. E2000 error occurs with that too. But if it will be helpful i can send my project too because at my project W-2113929204 and E2000 erros occur both. Also how can i send my project to support. I dont know the mail adress to send, also shall i attach the file or can i use a rapidshare link?? And about the shaders i use at my projects. Two of them are default bloom shader and waterEnv. The other is an old simple metal shader.

EDIT: I just made some more tests to find the real reason which causes these erros. I made all these test with shadertest.c. I found these results after some tests.

- If antialias is on and there is a shader used; changing resoulution (at fullscreen mode or windowed, it doesnt affect) causes a E2000 error. (same result with published version)
- If antialias is on and there is a shader used; minimizing window with Alt+Tab causes W1551 for every shaders used at that moment (this should be the ATI problem). After ignoring these errors and pressing OK and maximizing the game screen again causes a W-2113929204 + E2000. (making Alt+Tab caused a direct crash with published version)
Its midnight now so i couldnt try the same test at my sisters GeForce FX5700. I will test the same things with his PC also. As soon as i do, i ll post it too here. I also wrote the changes i made at shadertest.c just at the bottom.


ofn.lpstrFilter = "Supported File Types(*.fx, *.cg)\0*.fx;*.cg\0\0";
ofn.lpstrTitle = "Load external scene shader";
ofn.lpstrFile = shaderDir;
ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH;

if ( GetOpenFileName(&ofn) )
shaderIsIntern = 0;
//ssNumber = 1; change_ssSlider();
(spSceneShaderName.pstring)[0] = "EXTERNAL";


function test_function()

///////////////// The main function //////////////////////////
function main()
video_mode = 7;
//video_screen = 1;
sun_angle.pan = 270;
//fps_max = 10;


on_exit = exit_and_delete;
on_esc = exit_and_delete;
on_enter= test_function;

Last edited by YNG; 08/26/08 23:33.