There are some key factors:
  • It's bcz free is always going to be cheaper.
  • money isn't worth what it used to be and there seems to be less of it these days!
  • Fundementally software companies need to find a different way to make money from their games and applications. The internet is a good business model for today, software applications should be generating income in similiar ways.
  • Schools should NEVER have to pay for MS Office or any such applications.After all you're training these kids to use this software in their working lives which drives business to use your software, business are easier to piracy enforce.

We are rapidly reaching satriation point with more choice than ever before accross all of our digital markets. The consumer has less cash to spend in the first place and so much to choose from it's no suprise that they want to try before they buy or, in my opinion, the vast choice simply undervalues the product to the consumer and just like the old days of recording songs from the radio, it's far too accessible and therefore easier to pirate.

We couldn't stop this progress even if we wanted to, so it's about time software companies moved stepped up to the plate.

Think outside the box.... pah! smile

The Art of Conversation is dead : Discuss