When it comes to an entertainment product like games , music or film people who pirate think they have a right which was given them at birth for entertainment without doing something for it. If I read about people who went to the movie theater and after the movie they write a review online and talking about that the movie was bad and they want their money back because of this, I always think about these guys no one forces you the see the movie in the first place. If you are buying a ticket to an entertainment event there is the risk that some of the stuff will not fit your needs.

When it comes to software it is mostly the price but people who are really serious about what they want to do with the software will buy it. I m a proponent of digital distribution like steam which does a very good job in making it more valuable to people to buy games.

The people of today are overwhelmed buy so much media that more and more they start to think it is all just for them, for free but they forget that this stuff was made by people who also need to eat, breath and live thats why you pay money it is as simple as that.