EDIT: Here is a link to our official website with more info Trail of Blood Official Website

Hello all. I had a team assembled for this game ages ago but I disbanded it after a year due to poor communication.

I'm still working on the same game, Trail of Blood. It's a modern day tactical game with a unique shooting and melee system. I want to break away from the typical run of the mill shooter and do something far more realistic. So realism and using tactics are two major things I want to emphasize.

The plot itself is very intricate focuses on the brutality and confusion of warfare. It's not about heroes. The content we want is very mature, we've noticed modern games have become quite tame. We want to break away from that as well and push the violence to unheard of realism. So we want people that are ok with that and no one that's real young.

I've been with Acknex since A6 was very first released. Not a very long time, but I've seen what it can do and I'm very familiar with its functions.

I already have a 2D artist on board and he's very talented, he'll be helping me with level design and concept art in the beginning. I myself will be composing and recording all the music for the game, I'm a musician and I should exploits my own talents right? I'm also picking up level design for this game.

We currently want:

A lead programmer

Contact me at foxzero (at) foxzero . net
I have tons of documentation for this game that I can give you.

Oh, and there is a post in showcase for this game, but it's ancient. We also have a website, again it's out of date.

Last edited by FoxZero; 07/17/08 19:22.

Check out my site http://foxzero.net
My band's website

R.I.P. Dave Williams