BUT! I don't want to start a debate, since people base 90% of their decisions not on rationality but on emotions and prejudices, which there are many against the mac, so.. I know you will not listen to me :P
i see much more prejudice against PCs.

i would go nVidia. i'm not prejudiced against AMD/Radeon but i've always been happy with nVidia. granted, i'm having issues at the moment, but their support is pretty good. i can't believe the GTX 2xx series is already out. i got in early on the 9xxx series (which came out late i guess), and now the next generation is already out. i guess going to uni makes a long period of time seem really short (it's such a waste of time; i could've started off as a second-year student with what i already know).

i very rarely get a new PC. this one i have now is quite a few years old, upgraded bit by bit. there's nothing left from its birth except the case.

good luck


Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!