Well, I already have the function I need, now I'm just going to test if it works. But that just adds one more query to the whole query list my function has to execute! frown
And speaking about the functions and poker tables, the 'Function ID' is the same as Unique Table ID. See, when a row is added in active_poker_tables, the server automatically reads this and runs a new poker table function with the information retrieved from this row. And part of the information is the Primary Key, in my table, it is called ID. This ID, is then used by the function - it is written into a variable. By doing this, at least I know that the function ID is always unique and all of the poker tables have a function.
BUT.... this still doesn't solve my problem of many functions performing different queries at the same time and getting noone-knows-what results wink

"Things of the mind left untested by the senses are useless."