Originally Posted By: Blade28081991
Looking, nice.
Still the lamps are untextured.
Also just wondering , have you actually made any of the game, because the menu won't really be a selling point alone.

Video Here

Aside from models/artwork, I have most of the coding done. What I mean by coding... is... There is a working battle system, menu system, movement code, and misc code (fire, effects, etc). The only thing I lack are scenes to stich it all together. Which is what I am working on now.

I have changed a few things since that video was uploaded. The player now ... approaches, attacks, and returns during the attack animation. And i'm redesigning the interface a bit.

What's hard... is level design when you're not using shaders. I have the Extra Edition at the moment so I can't use a "bloom" / "bumpmap" shader to turn something ugly, into something worth looking at...

darkwhoppy@msn.no.spam.com (remove no.spam.) Website: WhoppyArts