
yeah you could really use some better gras.
I could give you a better looking gras if youŽd lie to have it jsut pm me, but the scripting looks well done so far

Yea, level design is my weakest talent for game dev... It seems to be a bit challenging to get good looking grass with the Extra Edition. Could I see a screenshot of your grass?


I thought he was mainly concentrating on code for now, from what I understand from his post.

Yeah. This was just showcasing the progress I have made with the code. Models... level design, etc... Will be touched up after i'm done with the majority of the code. Why? ... I plan to upgrade to the Comm Edition so I can use shaders... but I don't want to do that until the project is ready to be "clicked together"

I wanted to see what the community thought of the battle system idea, the menu system... and code so far. I didn't know showcasing code in Showcase I would be so confusing for some... We coders never have nice art when showing code. Thanks for the comments.

darkwhoppy@msn.no.spam.com (remove no.spam.) Website: WhoppyArts